National Institute for Health and Care Research

Mental Health Support Resources

We are unable to give direct advice and help to individuals, but we hope that some of the information available here will be of assistance if you require support.

If you are concerned about your mental health or that of someone close to you, it is very important to seek help.

You can contact a doctor, or you may find some of the other sources which we have shared here to have useful information.

Crisis Resources

Emergency links

  • Call 999
  • Go to your local Accident and Emergency Department


If you are in crisis, you can get in touch with:

  • NHS 111 (this is for when help is needed but you are not in immediate danger)
  • Contact your GP and ask for an emergency appointment
  • Contact Samaritans – 116 123 (freeline) – or visit Available 24 hours a day to provide confidential emotional support for those experiencing stress, despair or suicidal thoughts.
  • Use the Shout crisis text line – text SHOUT to 85258. Free confidential 24/7 text service for anyone in crisis.
  • Mind Infoline – call 0300 123 3393 (9am-6pm Mon-Fri excluding Bank Holidays) – or visit Information and signposting services about mental health problems, where to get help near you, treatment options, and advocacy services. Mind also has a network of local associations in England and Wales to which people can turn for help and assistance.
  • Papyrus A national charity dedicated to prevention of young suicide. They support young people under 35 who are experiencing thoughts of suicide, as well as people concerned about others.
  • Young A parent helpline and a crisis messenger for young people.
  • The Mix – A free helpline for young people to talk to trained supporters about any issue on their mind. They also provide chat and email support.
  • Students Against A website for and designed by students offering information and practical resources to help young people find a way forward from depression, anxiety, and related problems and a place to share stories.
  • Campaign Against Living Miserably (CALM) – A helpline for men in the UK who need to talk or find information and support.
  • Mental health The Helplines Partnership has a list of mental health helplines which you can filter by region and specific needs.
Resources for Adults Supporting Young People

Being a parent is not always easy. We know that supporting a child or young person living with a mental health problem or experiencing something difficult can feel really worrying. Parents or carers who are supporting a child or young person with a mental health problem may find the following links to be of use.

AnDY Clinic

In collaboration with Oxford Health NHS Foundation Trust CAMHS and AnDY Research Clinic Reading, we have built the AnDY Research Clinic Oxford. The Clinic offers assessments and evidence-based psychological treatments to children and young people aged 5-17 years: AnDY Research Clinic | Oxford Health CAMHS

Specific information on how to get a referral to this service can be found on the CAMHS website.

Charlie Waller Trust – PLACE Parent Support

PLACE provides a structured safe space to support individuals or organisations who are providing or establishing parent-carer support. The link below also has an interactive map of resources available in your area: PLACE – Parent Support Network | Charlie Waller

Charlie Waller Trust – Eating Disorder Carer Skills Workshops

Following the New Maudsley approach, the Charlie Waller Trust offer virtual workshops teaching skills to parents and carers of young people with eating disorders. These workshops are roughly monthly and it is recommended that participants attend all five sessions. Dates are regularly updated on the Charlie Waller website: New Maudsley Training Course Dates

Charlie Waller Trust – Parenting Webinars

Charlie Waller Trust runs regular webinars for parents seeking advice on how to support their children’s wellbeing: Free mental health webinars from the Charlie Waller Trust

Place2Be – Parenting Smart

Place2BE is a children and young people’s mental health charity providing counselling, mental health support, and training in UK schools. Their advice is evidence based and includes their Parenting Smart articles which cover a variety of topics: Place2Be: Parenting Smart: Articles

Emerging Minds Network – Resources to Support Your Children

The Emerging Minds Network published an evidence-based resource during the coronavirus pandemic which offered practical advice about how to support children and young people with worries and anxiety: Supporting Children and Young People with Worries and Anxiety

They also released several podcasts around child mental health. One of the most popular ones dealt with school reintegration.

CoRAY – Resources for Teachers

Emerging Minds also developed resources from the CoRAY project (resources by young people, for young people) in partnership with the Charlie Waller Trust. This involved developing a pack of mental health lessons and resources, working with young people, researchers, and clinicians to provide evidence-informed advice. The full bank of resources can be downloaded from the Charlie Waller website.

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